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Here you can listen online and free download "Projector Screen Medium Pull" sound effect from category Sound Effects > Household for any your video and audio projects.
This Sound Effect was added by user Yoo-toob-FX.
The sound "Projector Screen Medium Pull" is also included in the Projector Screen Sounds collection.
Sound Effect ID: 1303
Permanent link to this sound effect:
This sound effect licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License. What does it mean?
CC0 is the «no copyright reserved» option in the Creative Commons toolkit - it effectively means relinquishing all copyright and similar rights that you hold in a work and dedicating those rights to the public domain.
It means, that you are free to use this sound effect in any of your video or audio projects without any conditions.
It means, that you are free to use this sound effect in any of your video or audio projects without any conditions.
Similar sounds by Tags (Projector Screen Sounds)
More sounds from current category (Sound Effects > Household)
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